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Thursday 17 May 2012

New iPhone gets chunky new screen

The upcoming iPhone 5 has been the subject of more rumour than even the Galaxy S3 but today one rumour has been confirmed by two independent and reputable sources - Reuters and the Wall Street Journal with both stating publically that they have highly placed sources inside Apple confirming that the new iPhone will have a four inch screen.

While the majority of such rumours are usually proven untrue this is as good as one gets to at least this one being a fact with wo respected news sources unlikely to be making this up and risking their credibility. The reported manufacturers of the new screens will begin production in August ready for an October release.

A larger screen will help the iPhone compete against large screen Android rivals, with an October release almost certain to make the iPhone 5 the best selling gadget in the run up to Christmas. Less well supported rumours have claimed recently that the new model will feature near field communication (NFC), while that rumour is not confirmed it's one of the few that are likely to be accurate. Apples main rival, Samsung, already has the NFC enabled Galaxy S3 out and, as the iPhones main rival in smartphone sales, it would make good commercial sense for Apple to include the same feature in it's own phones rather than risk being left behind as NFC devices begin to become more common.